From the bottom up, creating a digital and physical experience for Foxy Loxy Cafe, one of Savannah's local traditions
How might we extend Foxy’s beloved in-person experience into a digital app experience for users? How might we understand current coffee shop trends in order to predict and innovate for the future? How might we ease congestion and waiting time for users while improving the employee experience as well?
This project and partnership with Foxy Loxy expanded over five months, including research, immersion, app wireframe and prototype and a proposed restructure interior model of the waiting experience. Since the client proposal, Foxy Loxy has implemented many proposed solutions and continues to evolve while remaining Savannah’s favorite coffee shop for a wide variety of user groups.

My Part: While our core team of three worked extremely closely, contributing to all aspects of the project, I am most proud to have contributed to:
1. Creation of a seamless experience for users who order items on the app for pickup by user-testing methods of feedback that correlate with how users perceive wait-time
2. Creation of user personas and key guiding framework insights and anchor words
3. Lead on the redesign of physical and waiting experience, such as customer journey flow, reassuring order feedback and exterior express window to ease interior congestion

The Proposed Digital Experience
The digital experience includes a branded app and online experience for users, as well as digital screens within the coffee shop to provide feedback on order progress and wait time.
Users can interact with the coffee shop in several fun ways. Through Foxy Now, an in-app option, users are able to understand the current environment and plan their experience accordingly. Are there tables upstairs in their favorite corner? Do they have time to grab a coffee in between meetings? Can they suggest songs to add to Foxy’s beloved music playlists and event lineups?

The Proposed Physical Experience
The physical experience and digital experience work together to address the strongest insights we gained from months of user research. The proposed solution encouraged a wider line allowance, replacing a couch with standup bar to increase standing room and encourage better flow through the space.
We also conducted two separate tests of the proposed Express Line component in order to assess the optimal hours of operation, most desired on-the-go items and location of signage and customer line flow.